Michael Dee

Buy Recommendations: able and not able to transact

Working with recommendations: Afterpay Touch Group Afterpay isn’t a stock for the faint hearted but it’s great as a case study to illustrate how Pythagoras buy recommendations work.  Each buy recommendation comes with an upper price limit which we measure against at the end of the day, using the close price.  Where the close price…

Pythagoras Investing in Action

Pythagoras Investing is a subscription recommendation service in the business of predicting share price behaviour using maths.  It is a new way of investing in shares for investors of all experience levels. To assist people to understand how it works we run a paper “portfolio” of 5 stocks using our recommendations.  The stocks are Orica,…

The extent of Chinese forward planning

Where economic rationality is expected and not delivered due to the east v west cultural divide it leads to investment mistakes. This is a key area maths has a role to play – seeing through the noise and getting to the heart of the share price behaviour.

Weaponised Currency? Absolutely

China played the currency devaluation card letting its currency slide in value against the dollar, making its goods cheaper abroad and offsetting American tariffs.  Its unsurprising that the Chinese are using the currency as a weapon – it has been a mainstay in their armoury. The devaluation of the managed renminbit will absorb the impact…